3 мая 2014 г.

FINAL GRAMMAR TEST (the 3-rd grade)

Это один из 7-и вариантов итогового теста.

I. Write the plurals:
1.      a child -                   3. a tomato –                  5. a girl -                    7. a fox –
2.      a boy -                     4. a baby -                      6. a man -                   8. a kiss –
II. Write the comparisons:
       9.  dirty -                     11. bad -                        13. hot -                     15. clever – 
     10.  old -                       12. interesting -             14. good -                  16. wide –
III. Write the second form of the following irregular verbs:
     17. be –                         19. drink –                     21. see -
     18.  eat -                        20. go –
IV. Put the words into the correct order:
      22. ice-cream, not, I, like, do.                            25. playing, are, now, the, football, children?   
      23. you, summer, do, why, like?                        26. season, my, winter, is, favourite.
      24. TV, is, Tom, now, watching.
V. Choose the correct verb form.
            Every day my father (27)… to work. He (28) … in the bank. He usually (29) … at seven o’ clock and  he (30) … breakfast for us all. We always (31) … to school at half  past eight.
           Yesterday we (32) … later than usual and we (33) … late for school. Our teacher (34) … angry. She (35) … us a big hometask. Yesterday we (36) … five lessons at school and then we (37) … football with our friends.
            It (38) …  Sunday today. We (39) … stories about our favourite seasons now and our father (40) … dinner.
27.  a) is driving                     b) drive                        c) drives
28.  a) works                          b) is working                c) work
29.  a) is getting up                b) get up                       c) gets up
30.  a) makes                          b) is making                 c) make
31.  a) goes                             b) go                             c) is going
32.  a) getted                          b) got                            c) get
33.  a) was                              b) were                         c) be
34.  a) was                              b) were                         c) be
35.  a) gives                           b) gived                          c) gave
36.  a) haved                         b) had                              c) have
37.  a) played                        b) are playing                  c) play
38.  a) was                             b) is                                  c) will be
39.  a) are writing                 b) write                            c) writes
40.  a) is cooking                  b) cooks                           c) cook
VI. Imagine you are Helen. Answer the questions and write a short story.
do homework and go for a walk with my friends
Favourite games
Tennis and basketball

41. What is your  name?
42. Where are you from?
43.  How old are you?
44. What do you usually do after school?

45. What games do you like to play?             

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